Sunday, January 27, 2008

Advancing Non-discrimination and Equality in the Workplace: The Case of Company Z


Efforts to advance and uphold non-discrimination and equality in employment and occupation have been a major struggle for workers in order to achieve impartiality in aspects whereby personal as well professional qualifications are put into reservation. The abovementioned dilemma that companies are faced with is not something uncommon as this has been an enduring characteristic of labor markets across countries (Tomei, 2003). Managing diversity in the workplace through company policies and programs leads (at the very least) to tolerance and acceptance of differences amongst individuals within the organization.

Company Z is a European owned and managed Web Services Company operating in the Philippines. They develop PHP-based commercial grade software and performance-based internet marketing services for clients outside of the country. As far as creation and implementation of policies and programs are concerned with reference to non-discrimination and equality, none have been disseminated nor put in black and white. By practice (based on assumption) in the organization, acceptance of workers were based on the competency and merit of the individual and not based on the person’s physical attributes, political views and socio-cultural origin and affiliation.

It could be viewed that articulation of non-discrimination and equality is unnecessary as the organization has been liberal in accepting various individuals having different personal characteristics such as sexual category and sexual orientation. In hind sight this is fairly equitable. However, by means of actuality, non-articulation in any form does not mean approval of such matter. It could be a case of just being apathetic since it would not affect the operations of the business or restrained in view of the fact that discriminative actions could lead to violation of several labor and employment policies and laws which could bring about several negative implications to the company.

Non-articulation does not eliminate bigotry in any way within the organization. Thus, protection against discrimination in the workplace should be enforced (or reinforced) to safeguard individuals from probable adverse consequences that may arise from it. Companies fail to notice the benefits that they could get by implementing and promoting non-discrimination and equality in the organization. Administrating and harboring diversity at work leads to effective workforce management which in turn results to effective and efficient business operations. It does not only foster a good working environment for the welfare of its workers but also provides a stable groundwork for the business to thrive since workers are the chief elements of running the business. Workers play a major role for both the successes and failures of the business. Investing on equality of treatment and opportunity through equal remuneration (compensation and benefits) as well as general undertakings and conduct within the organization would provide an excellent avenue for growth and development for both the individual and the organization.

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